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Mary-Jane Evans

Ceramic Artist


Pushing materials to extremes and experimentation are essential to my work and I use the kiln as a time machine to scar and erode my pieces.


After graduating from my degree in three dimensional design 15 years ago I moved to Bath to take up a two year residency.  I now have my studio at Bath Artists' Studios.  I share my practice in a variety of different settings, including the local community, the health sector, further and higher education establishments and from my own studio.


I have won a number of awards and prizes in the UK and Japan and as an artist my work has been widely exhibited in galleries throughout the UK, including The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition and the Royal West of England Academy on several occasions.  Recently I won the Pangolin Prize for Sculpture at The Royal West of England Academy Autumn Exhibition 2016.



Curriculum Vitae


B.A. (Hons) First Class in Three Dimensional Design – Ceramics at University for the Creative Arts, Farnham 2001-2004

Other Qualifications

City & Guilds 7802 Creative Skills Certificate – Ceramics 1999

City & Guilds 7900 Creative Skills Certificate – Ceramics 2001

Prizes/Awards/Open Submissions

Winner of International Takifuji Art Award – Tokyo resulting in exhibition there 2004

Bristol Guild of Craftsmen prize best 3D work at Bath Society of Artists Annual Show at Victoria Art Gallery 2010 and 2013

Winner at Royal West of England Academy Autumn Exhibition 2016 of Pangolin Prize for Sculpture

2004 Nominated for Setting Out Craft Potters Association – 2004 Medal of Excellence awarded by City & Guilds 7802 – 1999

Winner of City & Guilds 'Futures 100' competition receiving £10,000 bursary 1999 Nominated for Medal of Excellence City & Guilds 7900 – 1999

Short-listed Ex-Lab Olympic Installation Dorset 2011


Artist in residence Kingswood School, Bath 2004

Group Exhibitions

Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2012

Royal West of England Academy Bristol 2007,2008,2012,2013,2014,2015,2017,2019.

Bath Society of Artists Annual Open and Members Shows 2008 to2020

Russell Cotes Museum and Art Gallery with Malcolm Ashman and Vanessa Gardiner

Russell Cotes Museum and Art Gallery with Peter Davies and Harry Lamb

Black Swan Arts ‘Smoke’

Gallery Le Fort with Clive Jebbet

Solo Exhibitions

Atrium Gallery Bournemouth University – ‘Trail’

L’Artishe Gallery, Swanage


Ken Golding Collection at Bristol Guild of Crafts

Member of:

Associate member of the Royal West of England Academy

Crafts Council

Bath Society of Artists 

Axis-web Artists Newsletter

Bristol Creatives

Bath Artists' Studios


Click on link for Crafts Council Directory

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